The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a Government energy efficiency scheme in Great Britain to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty.
As part of ECO, the Government estimates that energy efficiency and heating measures worth £640m a year will be delivered across Great Britain.
Not all installers have access to ECO funding. However, Omega Energy are able to access funding from all of the funding streams including Local Authority Flex (LA Flex), Affordable Warmth etc.
We are also in the fortunate position to have access to ECO funding from the major obligated energy suppliers. This means that we are likely to be able to access funding for our customers, where other installers may not be able to obtain funding.

We are able to obtain partial funding for many customers for external solid wall insulation, internal wall Insulation, loft Insulation and replacement Boilers.
The Office of Gas and Electric Markets (OFGEM) is the Government department that oversees the ECO scheme. More information can be found on their website: [View]
Please get in touch with us on 03302236060 or complete your details in our Call Back Box and one of our advisors will be in touch with you to answer any queries you may have regarding funding and to discuss your requirements.
The ECO scheme means that gas and electricity suppliers with more than 250,000 domestic customers – including British Gas, EDF Energy, Eon, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE – are obliged to help households with energy-efficiency measures. These measures will save people money on their energy bills, help keep homes warmer and help to reduce carbon emissions.
Each obligated supplier [View] has an overall target based on its share of the domestic energy market in Britain.
It is important to note that you don’t need to be a customer of any of these gas and electric companies to qualify for funding – we can obtain funding for you, even if you are not a customer of any utility company.

Do I qualify for funding?
To benefit from ECO, you must either own your home or have the landlord’s permission. You do not need to be in receipt of any benefits to qualify for funding, as many Councils are signed up the the ‘Local Authority Flex’ scheme which aims to help people regardless of whther they receive benefits or not. Please get in touch with us to see if yuor local Council is registered on the LA Flex scheme.
Unfortunately the ECO funding system is very complicated and some customers will qualify for more funding than other customers.
The level of funding you will receive depends on what improvements your home needs, the size and age of your property, where you live; and the level of carbon dioxide or cost savings made.
Please note that you do not necessarily need to be in receipt of benefits to qualify for funding for funding.
Please get in touch with us on 03302236060 or complete your details in our Call Back Box and one of our advisors will be in touch with you to discuss your requirements.

If you’d like to find out more about our services, just complete your details and we’ll call you back to help.